Stand with Israel

At this time of unprecedented crisis, the global Reform Jewish community comes together to stand with Israel. We hope that the resources compiled by us and our partner organizations will support you in navigating this challenging time.
Prayer Resources

Spiritual materials and resources for use in personal and communal prayer and study from our many constituents, organizations and the National Institutions.

Educational Resources

Resources and materials for use in support of your Israel-themed education and programmatic activities.


Working to bring about social, political, or cultural change.


Seminars, solidary programs, and workshops from our many constituents, organizations and the National Institutions.

Constituents, Institutions and Organizations

Constituents are local ARZENU-connected groups, Organizations are global partners of the Reform Movement, and the four Zionist National Institutions are WZO, JAFI, KKL and K”H.

Arzenu Statements

Statements by Arzenu.