ARZENU Statement on Hamas Attacks in Israel
Our joyful celebration of Simchat Torah has been shattered by the news out of Israel and the vicious attack by Hamas. As the casualty and fatality numbers rise, we stand together across the world as Reform, Progressive and Liberal Zionists in solidarity with our partners, our friends, and our family throughout Israel and in the Israel Movement for Progressive and Reform Judaism. We pray for their safety and security, and for their return to health from the physical and emotional toll of the terror they now face. Together we pray for the state of Israel and bless those who serve in the Israel Defense Forces with the words found in Tfilat Ha-Adam, the prayerbook of our movement in Israel,
צּור ישְראֵל וְגֹואֲלֹו
בָרְֵך נָא אֶת מְדִינַת יִשְרָאֵל,
רֵאשִית צְמִיחַתּ גְאֻּלָתֵנּו.
הָגֵן עָלֶיהָ ברֹב חְַּסדֶָך,
ופְרש עָלֶיהָ סֻּכַת שְלֹומֶָך.
“Rock and Redeemer of Israel, bless the State of Israel, the dawning of our redemption. Shield it with Your compassion and spread over it the sukkah of your shalom.”
“מִי שֶּבֵרְַך אֲבֹותֵינּו אַבְרָהָם יִצְחָק וְיַעֲקֹב, וְאִּמֹותֵינּו שָרָה רִבְקָה
לֵאָה וְרָחֵל, הּוא יְבָרֵך אֶת חַיָלֹות וְחַּיָלֵי צְבָא הַהֲגַנָה לְיִשְרָאֵל
ושְאָר מְגִּנֵי עַּמֵנּו, הָעֹומְדִים עַל מִשְמַרְתָם”
“May the One who blessed our ancestors Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Leah and Rachel, bless the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, and all who stand guard protecting our people.”